SMED is stand for Single Minute Exchange of Die. SMED is used in place where is frequent change over of tools or there is any frequent job change over on machine or production line. As name suggested single minute exchange of Die, tool is not change in one minute but change over time is in single digit i.e. less than 10 minutes. Exchange of die or tool in less than 10 mins, mean there should be only done through only one changeover on the machine during continue production. The SMED is a principle of Lean Manufacturing , which tell us to eliminate waste in the manufacturing process which help us to increase production & profitability of the organization. Similarly SMED also reduce changeover time from the process and increase available time for manufacturing, which in turn increases the production of the company. The changeover time reduce the production in the process, i.e uneven flow of production which is one of the waste out of three waste of Lean Manufacturing...
Manufacturing product blog give knowledge about technology, innovation and system used in manufacturing Industry Quality tools, quality circle, Audit details and preparation, Industrial revolution, training program, motivation, quantity and productivity improvement.