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TPM Total Productive Maintenance

 TPM is stand for Total Productive Maintenance. TPM is a system that increase the effectiveness of machines and create safe environment by the activity involvement of each employee of the company. This system is Top to Down approach i.e. to start TPM System initiation is taken by the head of the company, after this top management is involved in TPM activities then middle management and then the employees on the shop floor.  The objective of of tpm to increase the overall effectiveness of the equipment that is OEE by the actively involvement of all the employees. TPM is also lead to the continuous improvement in the company. In Kaizen individual or a function to continuous improvement where as in TPM each and every employee has common goal of continuous improvement. In simple words we can say that TPM is nothing but proper cleaning of machine and near by area and daily of the machine which lead to zero breakdown, zero rejection and zero accident. Total productive maintenance has eight p