It is very important to have a good working environment in company so that employees give their best. The iteration rate of employee will also reduce if company has good and healthy environment. Profitability or production of company increase. If a company has good and safe working environment, give opportunities to employees to take their decisions and work to achieve objective of the company. It is important that employees should come with a smile to company and with the aim that he has to do something good for the company and whenever he goes back to his home he should not have any stress related to company in evening when he is spending time with his family, such an environment in a company is called a good and healthy environment or a great place to work. There are many ways to make firm a great place to work, here we discuss few points that makes good and healthy environment of company. 10 Ways to make your company a great place to work:- Treat your employees as yo...
Manufacturing product blog give knowledge about technology, innovation and system used in manufacturing Industry Quality tools, quality circle, Audit details and preparation, Industrial revolution, training program, motivation, quantity and productivity improvement.