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What is Industry 5.0?

 Industry revolution 1.0 is started in late 18th century, since then ther are many changes in industrial culture and working style. In the year 2023, maximum number of companies are still working to adopt Industry 4.0 , the seed of Industry 5.0 were planted in 2015 by European union.  Industry 5.0 accepted the challenge to save all the resources including human resources and natural resources. Industry 5.0 will not only focus on the main goal of industries i.e increase in production and gain profit but also reinforces the contribution of industries back to the society. Industry 5.0 will be an era when more research and innovation is done on Human centric, sustainability and resilience Industries. Why Humans resources will be important in Industries 5.0? Industry 5.0 will give more advantages to human beings even when technology is on its highest peak. In Industry 5.0, industries make their workers work easy by using Artificial Intelligence and at the same time keeping the nat...
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What is Bearings and types of bearings.

Bearing is one of the best invention of human being, which not only make work easy for humans but also reduce power and increase the life of movable parts. Some form of bearings is used from ancient times, but actually bearing is invented around 17th century. In 1974 Philip Vaughn got patent for first ball bearing. Word bearing is come from "to bear", as it bear load and friction.  Uses of bearings : Bearings are used in every rotational part from big turbines to small toys for kids, it is used in industries as well as household applications, used by farmers and doctors. Every day we use bearings in one or other form. Their is huge range of bearings, one bearing is so small that it can fit on nail of little finger, other one is so big that a human being can easily cross from inside. Bearings are used in every application where rotation is involved, but Still we are not aware about bearings because bearing is usually fit inside and is packed, so it is not easily seen by peop...

What is SMED?

 SMED is stand for Single Minute Exchange of Die. SMED is used in place where is frequent change over of tools or there is any frequent job change over on machine or production line.  As name suggested single minute exchange of Die, tool is not change in one minute but change over time is in single digit i.e. less than 10 minutes.  Exchange of die or tool in less than 10 mins, mean there should be only done through only one changeover on the machine during continue production. The SMED is a principle of Lean Manufacturing , which tell us to eliminate waste in the manufacturing process which help us to increase production & profitability of the organization. Similarly SMED also reduce changeover time from the process and increase available time for manufacturing, which in turn increases the production of the company. The changeover time reduce the production in the process, i.e uneven flow of production which is one of the waste out of three waste of Lean Manufacturing...

What is LPA?

  LPA is a stand for Layer Process Audit . LPA is Quality technique that focus on how well the process is working or following by the manufacturing Industry at the shop floor. LPA is not just an fault finding audit but it is a process improvement audit as it is audit where changes (Observation Closure) can be done during audit only. By LPA, rejection and other waste is reduced and  work towards continual improvement.  It is one of the important part of IATF16949 (Clause no. and OEM customers (CSR) requirement.  LPA is not only confined with Quality department, rather it include all departments and all level of management and supervisor. Supervisor do LPA at their own function and frequency of doing may be weekly. Middle management do LPA at their function and other functions also but for them frequency of doing audit may be monthly. Senior management do LPA to any one function and frequency is quarterly.  LPA in one of the Audit where supervisor and op...

What is SPC?

SPC is stand for S tatistical Process Control.   SPC is a tool used for continuous improvement. SPC used to maintain quality by monitoring the process and well detect the possible occurrence of the error before it actually happened and we'll detective. It is one of the core tool of IATF16949 . Other core tool of IATF16949 are: APQP: Advance Product Quality Planning PPAP: Production Part Approval Planning MSA: Measurement System Analysis FMEA : Failure Mode and Effective Analysis   The SPC process is better than other quality tools because it is based on detection and prevention rather than the correction of problems after they have occurred, it means it help us to detect the fault or give indication before error actually occur, which means we can correct the process or the job size before any error occur in our job. It is real time process, so machine operator can easily identify the trend of the job and take corrective action before generation of any NG product. SPC is not o...

What is FMEA

 FMEA is stand for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. FMEA is a process analysis tool. FMEA is used to identify all the failures or potential failures that may occur in a process, before any physical error occur in the process and analysis consequences due to failures. It is one of the core tool of IATF16949 . Other core tool of IATF16949 are: APQP: Advance Product Quality Planning PPAP: Production Part Approval Planning MSA: Measurement System Analysis SPC : Statistical Process Control Type of FMEA: There are two type of FMEA: DFMEA (Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) 1. DFMEA (Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis): DFMEA is a methodology which is used to analyse the risk or failure during new product or process development, it also used during any change or modification in product or process. 2. PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) PFMEA is a methodology which is used to analyse risk or failure during manu...