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What is Industry 5.0?

 Industry revolution 1.0 is started in late 18th century, since then ther are many changes in industrial culture and working style. In the year 2023, maximum number of companies are still working to adopt Industry 4.0, the seed of Industry 5.0 were planted in 2015 by European union. 

Industry 5.0 accepted the challenge to save all the resources including human resources and natural resources. Industry 5.0 will not only focus on the main goal of industries i.e increase in production and gain profit but also reinforces the contribution of industries back to the society. Industry 5.0 will be an era when more research and innovation is done on Human centric, sustainability and resilience Industries.

Why Humans resources will be important in Industries 5.0?

Industry 5.0 will give more advantages to human beings even when technology is on its highest peak. In Industry 5.0, industries make their workers work easy by using Artificial Intelligence and at the same time keeping the nature on the priority. Industry 5.0 will be the time where Creative people will be more successful over intelligent workers. In this era, training need will be changed, and more training will be done to understand the digitalization process as this will be time when most of the companies will almost on the way to complete or completed the journey of Industry 4.0 (I4.0)

Industries will make more personalized experience for employees working in the industries / working areas and for their customers and even for their suppliers. In industries 5.0 employees will be treated as one of the major resources, even after the they can be substituted by the robots in assembly lines or repeated works, Humans will work to solve the issues that are not solved by robots which can create huge mistake if not solved at the right time. This will redefine the collaboration between and machine and humans. This means that robots will do physical work where as humans will work where human intelligence is required (like to increase creativity and sales, etc.). Humans will also work to increase the customize the robotic work so that robots will be able to meet the fast-changing needs of the customers.


Sustainability means ability to maintain the best achieved result for longer period and there should not be any downward trend as compared to achieved result. During Industry 4.0 there was lots of up and down and we are not able to maintain the result for longer period of and this era is of high instability in every aspects like emotions (after Covid), employment, economy in industries. During the Industry 5.0 most of the target and result that we want, we have achieved by the time, so it is important that we should maintain the result. It is also the time when speed of changing technology came to the saturation, so it is good if we don’t move downwards as we already put our great efforts to teach this point and it is no use (waste of resource) to move backward. Industry 5.0 has focus and emphasis on the stability of environmental impact rather then production growth.

Resilience Industries:

Even in Industry 4.0 the requirement of industries and customers changing very drastically, and same type of requirements will remain in the era of Industries 5.0, so industries should be very agile to fulfil changing requirement. Industries will increase their adaptability to respond the rapid change in the demand of customers, employees, government, supplier, etc. Industry will also work to reduce the stress level of their employees and increase the reputation by increasing the employee satisfaction level. Being agile industries must also get ready for some disaster like Covid-19, after covid industries also preparing to reduce downtime after post disaster.

Advantages of Industry 5.0

There will be lot of advantages of Industry 5.0

• Great opportunities for creative workers.

• Industries work to increase the services and product quality.

• Physical work will reduce and focus on innovation.

• Industries will be more agile & flexible.

• Industries will pay back to society.

• Industries work more on sustainability.

• Artificial Intelligence will be at its best.

• Right collaboration of Human and machines/robots will be seen in Industry 5.0

Disadvantages of Industry 5.0

Every coin as two side, so as with Industry 5.0

• People have to adapt to fast changes otherwise they will left far behind in the race.

• Industries must focus on the training part and make sure every employee is able learn new technologies.

• High Use of AI & robots may lead to high layoffs.

• Use of AI may increase Crime & frauds.

Industry 5.0 has more advantages over disadvantages but still we need to be more focus and careful while implementing it in daily routine.


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