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Industry 4.0, New revolution in Industries

 Industry 4.0 or I4 is the fourth generation of industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 is consider about automation and data exchange within the machine and the process it can be done through internet or intranet of the industry.

First Industrial revolution started from Britain presently known as England. It was an era where goods production start from machines in place of hands. With the help of machines there was tremendous growth in production and quality as compared with hand. There was increase in steam and water power. Textile and iron industries was top industries at that time. First industry revolution started in start of 18th century. Condition of labour was very poor and labours were unskilled and working work was more than 12 hours and child labour was also in fashion.

Industrial revolution started in different countries country at different time.

Second Industrial revolution started at end of the 18th Century, where mass production started specially steel industries. Chemical industries and petroleum industry going on the top and industries getting electrified and petroleum products were used in place of coal. In second Industrial revolution Britain, United States of America, Germany and some other European countries were on top. Ship building done on large scale. Transportation industry also increase and aerospace came in existence. People move faster from one place to another. Condition of labour also improved and labour were now skilled and shift timings also fixed.

Third Industrial revolution started in mid of 19th century, In this digital communications stated. One of the most important invention of third industrial revolution was computers. Semiconductors, ICs, computers were evolved in this era. Another important invention of third industrial revolution was Internet were we can save files and share our message at very High speed, that also in very less cost. Things change at very fast pace. Changes from landline phone to mobiles, from black and white TV to LED TV, from telegram to e-mails, etc. Analog to digital convertion of instruments. Standard of labour also increase and safety of labour took major role. American, European and few Asian countries were on the top in this era. IT industries were on the top bin this Era.

Fourth Industrial revolution started after 2016. Klaus Schwab founder and executive chairman of world economic forum introduce or discussed about Industry 4.0. Most of the world agree that Industry 4.0 is stated but few people and institutions are still not agree about this revolution. Work still and increase use of artificial intelligence in the companies seems shows us that there is some recommendation in Industries. 

Industry 4.0 will drastically reduced the use of papers as most of the work can be done on computers and mobiles. For attendance you don't have to punch your card by face detection attendance will mark. You and  your seniors will know who came in the industry as complete detail will get you on your mobile even if you are on holidays. With the help of artificial intelligence the system will tell you what will be the best possible man power arrangement, this will not waste time for most of the production engineer or supervisors. 

In Industry 4.0 hardware and software will communicate with each other and the data analysis will be done through artificial intelligence, give humans better suggestions to solve the problems. Machines will communicate with machines and they will become so intelligent that they will remind maintenance team to change there part before that part come in breakdown. 

All the control charts, product sheets, run charts, etc that is filled by operators or supervisors manually will now filled automatically on the computer and if any thing went wrong then notification will reached to manager or engineer or the level that can be decided in the organisational hierarchy. Artificial intelligence will replace the monopoly of few employees of the organisation who limit their knowledge with themselves.

I4.0 is embedded with IoT ( Internet of Things). Before we go further we should understand about The Internet of Things, IoT is a network of physical objects that are fitted with sensors, software and other technologies. Connected to the Internet, these ‘things’ are able to exchange real time data with other connected devices and systems over networks. These connected devices combine with automated systems to gather data that can be analysed to make the process or system more robust. This will also help to reduce electricity bills as it will also tell which machine or part of machine is consuming more electricity, so that improvement can be done accordingly.

Manufacturing industries are spending lot of money for digitalization process. There is tremendous change in data collection method. 

If you wish to discuss more, then, you can please comment on the blog, Soon we will connect you.


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