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What is Artificial intelligence

Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge and experience to solve problems. Natural intelligence is used by human and animals to do daily task and other activities. If machines start doing work that can be done by humans then it is known as artificial intelligence. With the help of artificial intelligence anyone can make there work easy and need very less physical work. Machines with artificial intelligence help human beings specially in the area where it is hazardous to work for human beings.

What is Artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is ability of machines or computer that take decision to solve the problem (as human does) with the help of huge data base and set of instructions given with the help of software. It is combination of software and hardware that make machines to work like human and animals and solve daily task. 
Most common example of artificial intelligence is computer  playing Chess. There is no fixed sequence of playing and ever time you play, computer will play differently and this is all based on algorithm and and past experience of computer (data base).
Voice search is also latest features, works with the help of artificial intelligence.
By Artificial intelligence machine become so intelligent that they can even replace human from many working areas. 

Type of Artificial intelligence:

Artificial intelligence can be classified into two types:

1. Based on capabilities

  1. Narrow Artificial Intelligence
  2. General Artificial Intelligence
  3. Super artificial Intelligence

2. Based on functionality or based on memory

  1. Reactive machines
  2. Limited memory
  3. Theory of mind
  4. Self awareness

1. Based on capabilities:

1. Narrow Artificial Intelligence:

Narrow Artificial Intelligence is also know as week artificial intelligence. It is most common intelligence that world is using. In this type of intelligence machines are designed to work a particular type of task,  beyond that task machine is not able to perform. For example robotic car that are made to run on black stripe, speech recognition is also fall into Narrow Artificial Intelligence.

2. General Artificial Intelligence:

General artificial intelligence is similar to the human intelligence in which machine become so smarter that can perform human work easily, scientists and engineers are working on general artificial intelligence. Example of general artificial intelligence can be robotic waiters which take your orders, collect food from kitchen and deliver at the table but such type of robots are not really exist. 
It requires combination of thousands of Narrow AI to make one general artificial intelligence. The best general artificial intelligence program also take 20-40 Minto react as human and where as for same action took only a second. To make it feasible more work is to be done.

3. Super Artificial Intelligence:

Super artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to think beyond human beings. It much improved version of general artificial intelligence. It will be the future of machines where machine will take care of human beings. By super artificial intelligence machines can able to establish emotional relations with humans as well as machines. Machines will start taking better decisions then human beings. All decisions will be taken in less than one second. 
After we achieve general artificial intelligence then scientists will work on super artificial intelligence.

2. Based on functionality or based on memory:

1. Reactive Machines:

These machines are react to a particular situation and they work for particular simple task only. These type of machine don't get information from past experience and used most basic type of artificial intelligence. They just follow few algorithm that are designed to behave in a particular manner. As name define these machines react to present situations as best as it can.

2. Limited Memory:

These type of machines use limited memory which can be store small memory for short term and after work is finish the data in memory also cleared. It take information of present situation and react accordingly. Example for this will be auto gauging machine where machine took data of job and grind accordingly and once job is complete gauge lost data of last job and now took data of new job in it's memory.

3. Theory of Mind:

As name suggests theory of mind works like mind of human beings. This type of machines will react like human mind, it will also understand emotions have trust. Development work is going on to develop these type of machines.

4. Self Awareness:

Self awareness machines use super artificial intelligence where machines react better than human beings and take care of all emotions, consciousness, side effect of a particular task before taking decisions. It is next level of artificial intelligence which is still theoretical. We can say that it is future of machines where humans have nothing to do and work is done by machines only.

Advantage and disadvantage of Artificial Intelligence:

As we have two sides of every coin similarly AI also have advantage and disadvantage:

Advantage of Artificial intelligence:

  1. Reduce Human error: Important advantage of artificial intelligence is that it help to eliminate human errors and can make error free process and gives desired output. For example in banks currancy counting machine cout and also check whether currancy is original or fake.
  2. Available for day and night: As machines never tired and not require any holiday, so they are available for 24x7 hours in a week. They work continuously until there some breakdown in machines.
  3. Available for repetitive tasks: Best thing of AI is that it work best for repetitive work and never get bored and machine efficiency of machines remain same throughout unless there is any breakdown in machines, where as efficiency of human beings gets down if they are doing same repetitive work continuously.
  4. Create safe environment for Human beings: As AI installed machines can work individual in hazardous zone without interference of people. For example in paint shop Car body have to paint, there robots work and paint car body, as paint fumes is dangerous for human beings.
  5. Descision taking capacity increase: As AI machine and computer store data with past experience also then it give data bank with the help of which we can take decisions. For example with the help of Google maps we can select road by which we can reach the destination at faster or by covering minimum distance. AI also help to predict about the machine condition and take decision which part has to improve.
As we discussed about one side of the coin now it's turn to focus on other side of coin that is Disadvantage of AI.

Disadvantage of Artificial intelligence:

  1. Implementation of AI is costly: As it is new technology and every day there is change in technology we have to upgrade it everytime to get the best from it, which requires cost to upgrade software and hardware related to the latest technology. For example smart phones upgrade every year we have to change smart phone after two to three years.
  2. Unemployment increase: With the use of AI human involvement in manufacturing industries or other Industries decrease, which will increase unemployment. This disadvantage is topic of discussion as few scholars also take this as opportunity will increase in digital market. But it is confirmed that less skill people have to do something to increase there skill. There is unemployment for unskilled workmen.
  3. Humans become lazy: AI is so much effect the day to day life that we don't want to mental and physical body to do some work, for example due to Google maps we not even try to remember map or roads. Dependence of human on AI increased so much that it makes human very lazy. Using Alexa we don't even want to stand to switch on or off the music or search on internet.
  4. Emotionless work environment: As machines don't have emotions in there working so they are not connected humans with emotions. Emotions are very important to work with humans, it will increase the efficiency in human work.
 Every technology has advantage and disadvantage but it is important what we take from technology. AI is good unless and until it not start over ruling human beings. It is also important that AI remains in good hands and use for construction purposes and not for destructive activities.
Still there is huge development and invention I required in this field to make much better. AI is used in Industry 4.0 to make machines talk and give present status of the machines. 


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