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8D: Problem solving methodology

8D is a problem solving methodology. Which help to stop recurring of the problem and strengthen the process by finding and elemination of problem or issues. 8D focus on the improvement of Process and product.

8D represent eight disciplines or steps to solve the problem. It starts from D0 to D8, some 8D also include D0 in the sequence of solving the problem. We will also include D0 in this list so that readers understand complete views, but it's completely readers choice to use D0 in thier problem solving project or not. We recommend that readers should start with D1.

8D is the structural approach to solve the critical problems, by the use statistical analysis of the problem.

Step0 : D0- Plan
Step1 : D1 - Create team
Step2 : D2 - Describe problem
Step3 : D3 -  Develop containment points
Step4 : D4 - Determine & Verify root cause
Step5 : D5 - Verify permanent solution
Step6 : D6 - Define & implement corrective action
Step7 : D7 - Take preventive actions
Step8 : D8 - Congratulate the team

D0 - Plan : In this step function can decide to use 8D process for the problem and what Emergency Response Action (ERA) to be taken before solving the problem so that customer will not effect by the any issue, like delivery failure or quality issues, etc. ERA may segregation of product or rework or hold 1-2 batches, etc. It is preparation for 8D process. 

D1 - Create team : Before start any project we should have good team. To solve Problem through 8D process we should make a cross functional team so that collection of number of possible potential causes will increase and speed of implementation of solution will also increase. We should select a leader of the team, if possible we can select Project Champion also. In this step only basic role of each member should be decided.

D2 - Describe the problem : It is very important to solve any problem that we should understand what exactly the problem is. If team clearly understood the problem, focus of solving the problem will be on right direction. It is important to understand the difference between symptom of the problem, cause of the problem and main problem. Problem statement should be very clear with "What Wrong With What". Use data and information to quantify the problem. 5W1H (What, When, Where, Why, Who, How) can be used to describe or understand the problem.

D3 -  Develop containment points : Team should define and implement containment points/action to isolate the effects of the problem from any internal/external customer until Permanent Corrective Action(s) are implemented. Defective product should not reach to any internal/external customer.

D4 - Determine & Verify root cause : process of finding of main cause of the problem is started in this step. In this step sit with team and do brainstorming and potential possible causes of the problem. After that do fact varification of all the potential possible causes identify during brainstorming. It is also important to understand why problem is not notice during first time occurrence only. It is highly recommend that fact variation should be done practically on machine and it should not be past experience or assumption. Fish bone diagram can be used to segregated the problem in 4M or 6M. Why- Why analysis process can be used to reach the cause of the proble. This step required, involvement of maximum number of team members

D5 - Verify permanent solution : After completing fact varification process and identify the main cause(s) of the problem, it is time to explore the permanent solution for the problem. In this step team should confirm what are the actions they will take to find the permanent solution for the given problem. Team should also analysis what will be prons and cons of the solution that team has decided before implementation. Concern or restrictions of any team member should be considered, and convince the member by data and facts.

D6 - Define & implement corrective action : By now we find the Permanent corrective action, in this step team should clearly define the permanent corrective action which should be clearly understood by other employees and customer. Implement the permanent solution and monitor the result and long term study.

D7 - Take preventive actions :  In this step team should consider all process, documents, system that should be modify so that possibility of reoccurance of the problem will eliminate. Verify all the modification and changes done so that no gap will remain in the process. Horizontal deployment of the solution should also done in this phase, so that similar issue will not raise on other machine or line or other plants.

D8 - Congratulate the team: Formally thanks every member of the team. It is very important to appreciate the contribution of the team and members, this give moral booster to members. Celebrate the success. Appreciate can be done by giving Thank you card or some certificate by champion of the team or HOD. 

8D is common methodology to solve the problem and improve the process or system.


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