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What is Lean Manufacturing?

 Lean manufacturing is a system to eliminate waste from manufacturing process to increase benifit. Lean manufacturing focus on removing unwanted process, inventory that is not useful in production and add cost in manufacturing product. Main motto of Lean Manufacturing is to reduce the cost of product, reduce delivery time and improve quality of product. Lean Manufacturing is first introduced in Toyota, Japan. Ohno Taiichi was a businessman and engineer is considered as father of Lean Manufacturing and he gave concept of removing of waste (this waste is term as Muda) from production system. He gave seven Muda that should be eliminate from production system. Lean manufacturing is also know as Lean management or just Lean. Initially Lean was used in only manufacturing industries only but after analysing the advantages of this system, it is now widely used in IT industries, medical industries and even financial institutions. This topic is also included in Management syallabus. Seven Muda

What is Artificial intelligence

Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge and experience to solve problems. Natural intelligence is used by human and animals to do daily task and other activities. If machines start doing work that can be done by humans then it is known as artificial intelligence. With the help of artificial intelligence anyone can make there work easy and need very less physical work. Machines with artificial intelligence help human beings specially in the area where it is hazardous to work for human beings. What is Artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is ability of machines or computer that take decision to solve the problem (as human does) with the help of huge data base and set of instructions given with the help of software. It is combination of software and hardware that make machines to work like human and animals and solve daily task.  Most common example of artificial intelligence is computer  playing Chess.

IATF 16949 : International Automotive Task Force

 IATF 16949 is a quality standard for automobile industries. This standard is used to maintain the quality of parts used in an automobile. To give your product to automobile industries your company should be certified with IATF16949. To supply product to automobile industries this certificate is compulsory. Exact meaning of automobile here is the vehicles that run on road or they are made to run on the roads, tractors, Earth movers and trains are not include in automobile. IATF is modified by group of OEMs and technical committee of ISO. It was developed to provide best quality product to the customer and also include specific requirements of the customer and focus on continuous improvement in all phase of manufacturing cycle even in supply chain management. Full form of IATF is International Automotive Task Force.  Task force is group of OEMs, that govern IATF. IATF members include the following vehicle manufacturers: BMW Group, Daimler AG, Ford Motor Company, Geely Group, Gen

Audit in Manufacturing Industries

 What is Audit? Audit is a process of examination or revalidation of the work done other than the core owner of the that area or work done by the person. For example if you gave your car for repairing work and service center have you back the car back and you check the work of service team, it is a type of audit. Person how did the repairing work and he himself check the quality then it is not an audit but his manager or delivery team check repair work before hand over to the customer then also this process is known as audit. Audit is on-site varification of the fulfillment of the compliance. Mostly Audit is done on-site but now a days some audit can be done online also. Some people or institute take audit as a burdon but it is process that improves the existing process or system and eliminate any loop holes in the system. Different type of Audit? As per ISO 19011 there are three different types of audit, this is on the basis of what is auditing. Process Audit System Audit Product Audi

Agile methodologies in Manufacturing

 Agile is one of the latest methodology used in Manufacturing. English meaning of Agile is Fast and rapid, and industries it means how fast one can accept and adapt the changes going on, wheather it is from technology or customer demand. Agile methodologies is started in IT industry and from there it is now used in manufacturing Industries also. The main of Agile is to deliver the product as per the customer requirement and delivery of the product should be at faster rate because now a days change in every field is taking in a great pace. If any product that deliver after one year or so, the features in that product will completely change and there will be new requirement in the product. There should be quick response to the customer need & requirement. Agile is some what related to Lean manufacturing. What do Agile methodology mean in IT industry? Long back the waterfall model is used for software development. In waterfall model there are five main steps which are arranged in sequ

Training is very Important for Workmen.

 Training is very important for everyone in the industry, but in Industries we focus training to staff only and neglect workmen. Workmen require technical trainings but is recommended that they should be given training related to company's vision and mission. Different policies of the company should be clear to them. It is also recommended that if company has any certificate, they must be aware about that certificate also. How to give training to workmen? As in Industries education of workmen is low as compared to supervisors and managers, so it is important that training program for workmen should be well planned and should be give in mother tongue or local language so that they can maximum benefit from the training program.  When I used to give training to my workmen I usually prefer to give training in classroom and then if required I demonstrate topic on job place or shop floor. It is very important that we must understand the area where workmen is required training and for thi

Industry 4.0, New revolution in Industries

 Industry 4.0 or I4 is the fourth generation of industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 is consider about automation and data exchange within the machine and the process it can be done through internet or intranet of the industry. First Industrial revolution started from Britain presently known as England. It was an era where goods production start from machines in place of hands. With the help of machines there was tremendous growth in production and quality as compared with hand. There was increase in steam and water power. Textile and iron industries was top industries at that time. First industry revolution started in start of 18th century. Condition of labour was very poor and labours were unskilled and working work was more than 12 hours and child labour was also in fashion. Industrial revolution started in different countries country at different time. Second Industrial revolution started at end of the 18th Century, where mass production started specially steel industries. Chemical

Quantity Circle

  Quantity Circle is a group of workmen working in same department or performing similar job. Quality circle have maximum of 5-6 workmen which is lead by facilitator who can be a supervisor or a manager. The main role of quality circle team is to find out the basic problems and solve them this problem can be related to production and quality improvement and safety related issues. The motto of quality circle is to increase awareness of workmen about the quality and solve the basic problem at their own level by this they feel very encouraged and moral of the operators will also increase. The position at Quality Circle teams and their responsibility are as follows: QC Admin or QC coordinator is at top most position for Quality Circle teams, his/her main role is to coordinate with all teams of quality circle and check their progress and boost them with positive energy. Coordinator also coordinate with QC forums and held presentation of his/her team and make all arrangements so that team ca

8D: Problem solving methodology

8D is a problem solving methodology. Which help to stop recurring of the problem and strengthen the process by finding and elemination of problem or issues. 8D focus on the improvement of Process and product. 8D represent eight disciplines or steps to solve the problem. It starts from D0 to D8, some 8D also include D0 in the sequence of solving the problem. We will also include D0 in this list so that readers understand complete views, but it's completely readers choice to use D0 in thier problem solving project or not. We recommend that readers should start with D1. 8D is the structural approach to solve the critical problems, by the use statistical analysis of the problem. Step0 : D0- Plan Step1 : D1 - Create team Step2 : D2 - Describe problem Step3 : D3 -  Develop containment points Step4 : D4 - Determine & Verify root cause Step5 : D5 - Verify permanent solution Step6 : D6 - Define & implement corrective action Step7 : D7 - Take preventive actions Step8 : D8 - Congratul

7 QC Tools

 To do any work we require a set of tools, similarly to maintain quality in the product and process we require some tools and these tools are called as Seven Basics Quality Control Tools or 7 QC Tools. These tools not only maintain quality in the industry but also help to resolve the issues or defects, with the help of these tools we can easily solve the problem and find root cause of the problem. These tools are called basic tools as these tools can be used by operators also, these tools don't require any expertise in statistics.  Before we learn about 7QC Tools, we should understand one important thing that we can't use all tools at the same time, each tools has its own uniqueness. For example to put nail on the wall we require hammer🔨  not axe. 7QC Tools are as follows: Check sheets Control charts Histogram Fish bone diagram Scattered diagram Pareto charts Stratification or flow chart 1. Check Sheets: Check sheets is online document which is used to check the quality or qua